Well, we did it. We loaded up and headed to St. Louis for 4 days. I've hesitated writing about this because I was hoping with time, the pain and anguish of the trip would subside...not the case
There were a few good points so lets start with those. We did a LOT! We went to Grant's farm, an outdoor zoo type attraction with Carousels (kids were in heaven) and lots of animals. Admission was free and the only prices were souvenirs and an $11 parking fee. Not so bad if you ask me!
Wyatt got to feed the goats, he was in for a surprise!
Luckily Daddy was there to pick him up and keep him from getting mauled! (although the goats kept trying to eat Fred's shirt...p.s. hysterical!)
Lots of free labor at this zoo, we got to feed the camels as well! This was pretty funny, their tongues can get a little out of control!
Grants farm is also home to the famous Anheiser Busch Cleidsdailes. We love our horses!
We also went to six flags, they had an entire section just for little ones, he even rode rides solo. (this scared the begeezus out of me by the way)
Mommy would love to ride with you... "Oh crap, this is like teacups isn't it? I'm gonna vomit" What we do for our children.
This was all for the firefighter combat challenge. It definitely had its high points, we went swimming, went to the St. Louis Zoo (free adm by the way), were always on the go...however the reason this was necessary was that every time we entered the hotel room, the kids cried uncontrollably....oh brother, they hate being couped up. Bella refused to take naps (much more difficult when there is no way to separate everyone at nap time) and Wyatt was really naughty whenever we went to dinner. Also, everytime he woke up from nap, he cried hysterically, not sure if he was scared because he was somewhere unfamiliar, it just got to be a little exhausting for everyone.
The good news is we survived and now we're home.
The unsuccessful photo session:
I had this great idea, beautiful breast cancer awareness scarf and she was not having it!
Some turned out alright, but so serious!
I suppose it doesn't help she has ear infections again and we have to go see an ENT about tubes!
She had her 9 month appt. last week (on her 10 month bday...oops) 95% for height, wt, and head. We don't grow small children apparently. (24lbs!)
She's still precious.
p.s. she's teething and Wyatt peed all over my bathroom floor (missed the toilet even though he's sitting on it!) right before naptime.
.....Livin the dream
And with all of that, always remember how truly blessed you are to even have them!!!!
well . . . not sure what to say . . . vacation with little ones is, at best, an adventure. I doubt that I would ever classify it as 'fun' - but, the good news - it will get better when they get older!!
Great pictures of the kids - they are really getting big. And they are so very cute!!
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